
Shit that gets you through winter

Pardon the French... but I'm so tired of looking at stupid magazines that live in silly warm climates during winter and try instructing the rest of the world how to dress for winter. Please. It is -10 out and I am in no way ever going to wear flats with bare, exposed skin.

So if you are wondering what I wear almost daily... These are the essentials I have that I wear frequently just running about, commissary, library, Target... etc.

These are items I either genuinely do have, or a very similar replacement. Except the LV bag... that's a dream still waiting to happen. This is the real stuff that gets you through the chill

I wear that Forever scarf and gloves almost daily, and it never fails to not get complimented. $12 well spent.

Shit that gets you through winter


  1. From one good northwest girl to another...it gets better. I lived in southeast Alaska on a floating logging camp from the age of 1 1/2 to 9 years old. It was all I knew when my family moved back to Washington state. It is such a special place. My dearest friend who I grew up with in Alaska currently lives in Anchorage as well...we speak almost daily even to this day. My mom says that the day she arrived in Alaska, she cried. And the day she left Alaska, she cried. It is a place of extremes...extreme beauty, extreme hardship. Best of luck as you hunker down through these long winter months.

    1. I don't even know where to begin to say thanks! Any little bit of encouragement I can get regarding Alaska is much appreciated. I am very interested to see where Alaska brings me, and how it changes me... and oh so excited for the summer. It sounds like you have quite an interesting life history and I have jealousy of your current home in Washington. :)Didn't know how much I loved it until I left. Again, thank you.


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