

Ole! Hooray! I now have ombre! 

Ok, maybe I'm a bit behind on this trend... actually, for Alaska, I think I'm pretty ahead of it. Anyway, after seeing all these lovelies around I decided to give it a try. Remember when I said I needed some change? This helped.

There were a lot of girls on my Pinterest board for hairstyles that I just kept oogling. Then I did my research. This video helped (plus it's nice to listen to). This definitely, too.

But here's a little tutorial from me and my experiences  Most people's blogs/tutorials that I read are either light haired, or that have virgin hair. I had neither, so I felt I was going at it alone. Here's my advice:

Untitled #8

Amazon.com: L'Oreal Quick Blue Powder Lightener 1 oz.: Beauty / Amazon.com: Top Performance Pet Hair Dye Accessories Kit, 14-Pack: Pet... / Amazon.com: L' Oreal Oreor 40-Volume Creme Developer: Beauty / Amazon.com: Ion Color Brilliance Extra Wide Tint Brush: Beauty

First- above are the supplies you'll need. I first tried "stripping" the color from my hair, but I just needed way more boost. I really had to do the bleach. I' have never bleached or been damaging to my hair, so I felt doing it once wasn't going to kill me.

1. Mix the correct ratio (per description) of powder bleach and developer. Put on latex gloves
2. Divide hair into at least four equal sections. I recommend more if you have thick hair like I do. 
3. Have some pre-cut foil ready and place under first section of hair.
4. Start at the ends of your hair, coating heavily with bleach mixture. As your work your way up your hair, be less and less generous with the mixture. Remember: The key to ombre is about blending
*(Some girls like to just the tips of their hair. I, on the other hand, have particularly long hair, and really wanted a big change, so I went up to almost my ears. That is all personal preference.)
5. Wrap with foil and then repeat that step with each section of hair. Try and work quickly so that the bleach is not on any part of your hair for much longer than any other part.
6. As it's sitting on your hair, keep opening the foils and checking. Make sure it is warm and it's not drying out. 
7. If needed, add a bit more a little higher on your hair for more blending. I did this about 10 minutes after the bleach was in my hair. I left the top portion on for less time, thus helping it to blend.
8. WASH. Get all that bleach out. Remember to be kind to your hair. Bleach is harsh and dehydrating. Wash well and then soak it well with a moisturizing conditioner. Follow with a leave in conditioner if it feels particularly dry. 

For me, I like the results of the color that left me. For others, though, the bleach may just work as solely stripping the color away and may need to follow up with the desired color, or toner.

Some notes:
Don't try and backwards ombre. What I mean is, to try and leave your ends the natural color, and to do the roots: WAY hard. Just do the ends. Also, The dark brown is not my natural color. A few days before I did the ombre, I dyed all of my hair the same dark tone to even everything out. That was my base color.
*Remember: I am not a hairstylist by any means... this is just what I found helpful in my personal experiences.


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