
{My Deal with Pants}

Okay. So I have this deal with pants. In fact, I'll just go ahead and say it. I hate pants. It's true.

So during the week at work I have to dress "business casual." As I've told you before, I can't stand the way I have to dress for work. So I'm constantly trying to think of ways to still have lots of indie style all while not completely freaking out my boss.  But most of all... dressing up is tiresome! When I get home I'm done. the moment that door closes I'm already undressing and getting into comfy clothes.

Thus en lies my hatred towards pants. Un.comfort.able. When I get home it's all about comfort. Yet, I don't ever, and I truly mean ever, wear sweats. But leggings. Oh boy. I LOVE leggings. My friends are always giving my a hard time about it, and that's okay. All for the love of my leggings.

So here I am! Legging clad. And also the softest, coziest cute Gap sweater ever. If I'm not at work, I'm wearing this. As well as my hair in a "bop," as my friend calls it.

So there you have it. The reason I hate pants!

1 comment:

  1. ooh leggings are so comfy or as Morgan calls them "no pants!"



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