
Finding My Color

So over the years I have really noticed something about my wardrobe. I am petrified of color. Now, this is not something you would expect of me. I think my apartment sometimes nothing but a color explosion... but my clothes on the other hand, not so much. It hasn't helped, either, working at my new job where my attire is "business casual." I'm required to wear black a lot. Booo-rrrring! So I'm going to be starting a segment on my blog that is all about me finding my color! The process may be gradual, but I'll get there.

Phase one: accents. It's starting with things as simple as shoes. (More so, the moral of this photo is that I couldn't believe it was warm enough to wear these!! WHOOHOO!)


  1. Good luck...the red shoes look great on you!

  2. I feel the same way about my wardrobe. Everything is either oatmeal, black, or pink... AND!!! I have realized I have a "pattern" phobia. Everything I gravitate toward is a solid color. No patterns...no checks...no stripes... nada. I think they give me anxiety for some reason. AND!!! If it's floral - I have this moment of panic that crosses my mind of being attacked by a swarm of bees. OYE! What is wrong with me? :)


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