

Hello World,

It's nice to be here. Thank the Lord for parents. And parents homes which offer not only free food, but free internet as well. :) And free laundry.

Unfortunately I wish I had better news to report. Alas, I do not. My happy little store that just opened has just closed this week. The decision was made on Sunday and the closeout sale has ended today. We're officially out of business. We recently discovered that our store had a serious mold problem in the basement and it has been making me very, very ill. In that regard, it is good to be away. I feel healthier. It saddens my heart on so many levels. I wish I could verbally explain it. Most of all, I have NO IDEA what I'm going to do next. I keep assuming I know what God's plan is for my life. When this opportunity was opened to me I was sure this was it. I loved doing what I do. Every aspect of it. It held so many opportunities. Just another reminder that He has a plan for me, and it is not my own. I'm so thankful for that, though. His plan for me is far better than anything I could ever dream for myself.

I started a new Bible study at my church two weeks ago, Beth Moore's Believing God. When we started she asked if there was anything in our life too big for us to handle. I thoughtfully scoured over my life. There wasn't. And maybe that was the problem. I was living a perfectly happy little life and relying completely on myself. For several weeks now (before trouble in paradise) I have been praying, "Lord, help me to be this joyous and this thankful when life isn't going how I want it, not just when it's happy and planned." Well, he sure answers prayers. I'm thankful for the opportunity for this "trial" of complete uncertainty in my life. I'm also so thankful I am in such an applicable study right now. He has been my Rock always, but especially the last few days. He is Jehovah Shalom. I have a surreal and inexplicable peace even when I have not even the slightest clue how to put one foot in front of the other right now.

Anyway, thanks for listening. I am believing God. He is who he says he is, and he says he is my provider and my ever present help in trouble.

Any one have any job openings? :)

P.S. Seriously all I keep thinking is Disneyland. I want to go so bad. I think I would feel happier in the happiest place on earth. Makes sense, right?  I. want. to. be. in. Disneyland.!


  1. Amanda, I'm so sorry to hear this news...especially that you have been sick. I hope you're feeling better.

    I love how you are trusting God. He knew this would happen before the beginning of time and He already has the next thing lined up for you, in His perfect timing.

    You are a light, and He will use you.


    PS: Disneyland does sound great!!

  2. Hi Amanda.

    I'm sorry to hear your store is closed. I can imagine your disappointment.

    For what it is worth, I think this opportunity WAS part of God's plan. I think he intends for you to learn something from this experience in preparation you for something even better in the future.

    Hang in there! La

  3. it was great to see you at the store & I am keeping my ears open for a job for you :) Disneyland sounds perfect...yes~! Beth Moore studies are awesome...you will grow alot thru that~


  4. Hey Amanda, this is Lisa from KY...I talked to you via phone to place an order from the Farm Chick store...Remember? country accent? Well anyway I am so sorry about the store... however if you were becoming ill from your surroundings then I think Father God was just redirecting you. I sure hope you feel better physically and also in your spirit. I love Beth Moore she is such a wonderful teacher. I saw her once at a church in Houston TX and just Loved her.I will be praying for you and believing that you will have clear direction. Im here for ya girl... You just call me or come right on over and see me (I'll make cookies)Now, I said that last part with a very thick southern accent Amanda so you have to read it like that to get the full effect.LOL!!! Great Big Blessings to you sweet girl. Lisa In KY

  5. Hi Lisa! Of course I remember you! Thank you for your sweet words and the offer of sweet cookies. That sounds delicious right now. :) I wish I could say I was feeling better physically, but am not. I was much better and than I got sick this weekend and now and writing from the luxury of a hospital bed. While it's hard, I know God has a plan through all of this. Thanks for your prayer.

  6. Amanda, I just hate to hear that you are in the hospital. I promise that I will keep praying for you.I will also request prayer for you tonight at church. I believe that it is Gods will to heal his children.God has a good plan for you...His word says his plans for us are good. Plans to prosper us and give us a future with hope. Just thank him for his healing touch and know that people are praying for you. Read 1st peter 2:24. Keep blogland posted on how you are and take care of yourself sweet girl.
    Blessings to you

  7. Thank you so much, again, Lisa. I wish I could just give you a hug! I'm really needing those boosts as of late. :)Thank you so much for asking for prayer at your church. We can be warriors through prayer!


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