
{Busy Busy Busy}

So I know I've been a bad blogger recently. But there are reasons.

Atticus (my laptop) has been feeling a bit under the weather, but he is with the doctor and is well into recovery. (We'll talk about my attachement to inanimate objects later.)

I started a new job for my Chiropractor. I love it.

My trip to Ethiopia and Greece got cancelled. I am dissapointed. But it's okay, because God has other plans for me. Great plans.

I have a super duper amazing job opportunity that is coming about. But I can't tell you. Yet. It's a secret.

See? I've been busy.

How about you?


1 comment:

  1. You looked so pretty the day mom and I saw you at the Funky Junk Show... just wanted to let you know. Hope you made it to your estate sale:) Celia & Glad /Junebug


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