

I have never made or eaten a macaroon. I don't even know what they taste like. Having said that- I fully intend to. I just decided that right now because all I am doing is sitting here on my couch feeling very ill. Something I do not have time for. I think I'll try Martha Stewart's parisian macaroonrecipe. She seems to know what she's doing. Plus I prefer it because it's called "Parisian." Good reasoning, right?

Any tips? Have you ever made them before? I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. I've never used Martha's recipe, but I have made macaroons before and they are quite yummy. My son loves them. Feel better soon! La

  2. Macaroons are fussy about the weather. Don't bother if it's a rainy day. No seriously.

    Emily wrote up some other great directions which include letting the eggs sit out to warm up and so on.


    Good luck!

    P.S. If you live in Seattle I say you just head to St. Honore Bakery for your french macaroon fix. They make them in some many pretty colors and interesting flavors including pistachio and lavendar.

  3. I have never made them, so I have no tips for you. :(
    Can't wait to see pics of your new apartment. I know that it is going to be so much fun!

    Enjoy decorating it!

  4. I don't make them, but I sure buy and eat them at Winnie & Tulula's!


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