

It's time for another giveaway! CSN stores is generously hosting this giveaway. CSN has over 200 different websites! These platform beds they have are just amazing... among so many other things!

The winner will receive a $50 gift card to any CSN online store! Isn't that so exciting?!

You could get some of this beautiful wallpaper.

Or use it towards this ice cream maker (which I have and love).

To enter: 
1. Leave a comment and include your e-mail address. Tell me what you would buy!
2. Blog about the giveaway. Post a separate comment with the link and also your e-mail address.

Yes, you can do both for double entry!
Giveaway will end Sunday June 13th at midnight. The winner will be announced on Monday! Good luck!


  1. I would get the Combi 2010 Strolee Stroller in Mauve.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  2. i love this!!

    and your blog :) I am going to follow it.. please follow mine too!!


  3. I would love a new set of sheets for my bed but I would also love a new pair of sandals.

    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  4. I would probably buy IMAX Large Wall Clock with Pendulum in Antique distressed - 2511 SKU #: IMX1093. thanks
    lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

  5. I love the vintage looking wall clocks......I don't know which one I would choose.


  6. I really NEED {and want} a coffee grinder or a bread box! They have some really nice ones too. Thanks for the chance. bekki1820cb at gmail

  7. Oh, I must have that Ice Cream Maker! My little girl would just love, love it!!
    My email is: kate_mcadoo@hotmail.com

  8. I love that ice cream maker but I think I'd go a little more practical and get some white plates. I've been wanting some for a long time.


  9. Hi Amanda
    Congratulations on your new job! How exciting for you.
    I hope its okay that I added that bit of information when I blogged about your giveaway just now. ( Serena announced it so I thought it would be okay :0)
    Anyways I was having a hard time picking one thing but new sheets would be good - plain white to go with my new white obsession .
    Have fun at the new store, it sounds like a great job!

  10. Hi Amanda
    Well , I left a comment somewhere on your blog - I thought it was here. I posted about your give away ( and your awesome new job:0)
    I'm looking for white cotton sheets , thats what I'd pick if I won!
    Congratulations on your great new job

  11. I would use gift card towards some new bedding. They have so many beautiful sets to chose from!

  12. I think I would buy some LED string lights : )
    Catherine 9000.68 at gmail dot com (that's my give-aways email)

  13. Whoo hoo! Found your blog and for gosh sakes, you are already giving stuff away! Exciting! I'd maybe buy that ice cream maker too, seeing as looking at that picture is making me drool!

    Some day I will travel down to Washington see the Farm Chicks store and maybe meet ya! It's gotta happen...:)

    Love your blog.....so great!

    PS-If I win-I'll send you my e-mail address then...here's crossing my fingers.....

  14. Hi, Amanda! I saw your name over at Serena's. I just moved to moscow, ID from Virginia and I'm hunting up bloggers from this part of the country! Lucky me to see you're having a give away! Yippee! It will take me forever to decide what I'd use the cert.for! I'd probably be changing my mind up to the last minute! :)

    Congrats on your new job! Can't wait to visit the store!

    one1way2him at hot mail.com

  15. Hi there, like Holly I think I would have a hard time deciding. Thanks for the chance to win. Denise

  16. Just found you while blog hopping! I think I just made the cut off time....phew! I'd buy a slipcover for my living room chair....thanks for the chance:) I enjoyed my visit through your blog....your photos are fantastic!

  17. I'd love to have a small grill for my patio! Thanks for the chance to win. Suzanne
    suzanne390 at hotmail.com

  18. I just discovered you blog, and love it!!!
    This is so exciting!! I'm definitely following you.. :) you're my favourite blogger of the moment :) and thanks for this awesome chance!!

  19. Oops sorry I'm not sure if my last comment made it/appeared.. anyways, just to recap, I love your blog and I'm definitely following you!!!
    I would love to get the ice cream maker.
    Thanks for this awesome chance!!
    You're definitely my favourite blogger of the moment! :)

  20. Summertime and Ice Cream! Woot woot! Wonderful giveaway! :)

  21. Love the Ice cream maker!! Love your Blog!

  22. Hi Amanda!

    I came from Bell's blog. She mentioned your giveaway and wrote a little about you on her blog. I'd love to be entered in the giveaway. Hubby has been wanting a margarita machine for awhile. I wonder if CSN carries them. Oh well...a blender would be nice, too! lol!

    Thanks for being so generous!



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