
{Retro Dining Table}

always been in love with these retro dining room tables. So a couple weeks ago I bought one that I stumbled upon at an estate sale. Mine is slightly different than this, however (much cooler, if I do say so.) It was such a lucky and amazing find.
Now I just need some chairs to go with it.

I really like these yellow chairs. However I don't know where to find them. Only who decorated this room. (Francesco Lagnese)

I've had a crush on these for quite some time. Even before I got the table. Every time I walk through Target I get a little envious of these beauties. I think they would look perfect in my future teeny-weeny apartment in the "dining area." haha


  1. i love the retro kitchen look as well! Post a picture of your table :0)

    everyone please check out and follow my blog


  2. Too cute kitchen!

    Hey! did you get my e-mail...a friend of mine is looking for a florist??? I didn't have your #, she will be e-mailing you. Good Luck, Glad & Celia/Junebug


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